Open every weekend from Easter to Christmas. Opening Times: Saturdays 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4.30pm; Sundays 2pm to 4.30pm

Dollar Museum is proudly one of a number of facilities and organisations within Dollar. We are pleased to be able to provide links to other services and voluntary organisations within our Community listed below:
Dollar Community Council consists of up to 14 Community Councillors who are selected through the Community Council election processes by the people of Dollar and surrounding area. Their primary role is to represent the community of Dollar where they engage in a variety of actvities examples inlude: comment on local planning applications and the development of the Local and Structure Plan; campaign on local issues e.g. traffic, leisure facilities; being consulted on a range of issues by the Council and other public bodies e.g. the future of waste management; support organising of gala days and other events; publish newsletters.
Dollar Community Development Trust is a volunteer-led charity aimed at making Dollar a better place to live, work, study, and visit. Our Trustees, alongside our Manager, work with a dedicated team of volunteers to run projects and provide services to support Dollar’s community and local businesses.
The Development Trust officially took over the running of the Hive (formally the civic Centre) from Clackmannanshire Council in early 2019. It is now a vibrant community centre, offering a range of classes and clubs from yoga to Rainbows. It is also home to our volunteer-led Community Library. -
Current opening times are: Wednesday: 2pm to 4pm and Saturday: 10am to 12pm. Come down to the Library and sign up for your FREE library ticket. Our friendly volunteers will be more than happy to show you where everything is and how it all works. Our welcoming children’s library is colourful and cozy and a great place to develop a passion for reading. We have managed to add activities such as story time and colouring sessions to add to the fun.
We run our popular Repair Café in the Hive on the last Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm. The Dollar Repair Café is an antidote to a throwaway culture, and following its launch we hope to run the café once a month from The Hive. Come along and get your things repaired, and maybe learn a thing or two about repairing – no appointment needed! There is no charge for any advice or repair, but visitors’ donations will help keep the service free at the point of delivery for everyone. Donations are used to cover costs and to help us offer additional workshops for free.